Fernandez Molina Obras y Servicios




  • First intervention in Spain with laser technology for cleaning granite stone.
  • Restoration of old chapel, Ribera facade and new facilities.
  • During the restoration process, a pre-cleaning was done to remove the dust using air aspirators or a very soft brush. When there were signs of biological colonization of the stone, a biocidal treatment was applied.
  • For the removal of waxes in the granite areas, a high-energy beam of light with controlled power and frequency was chosen for the surface of the material.
  • Those areas where the stone was decomposed immediately after the cleaning tasks were carried out, a preconsolidation was performed, until the necessary consistency was guaranteed.
  • By means of the realization by the Chair of Mineralogy and Petrology of the E.T.S. of Mining Engineers of Madrid, of a cartography of the facade, a systematic analysis of the distribution of humidities and salts was carried out, as well as the determination of the state of sandblasting, exfoliation, loss of relief, existence of previous restoration mortars, metallic elements and cracking.